Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Abiding in Christ and Bearing Fruit

I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.
— John 15:5 (BSB)

To abide in Christ is to find everything in Him, to yield to His power and to drink deep of His love.
— Charles Spurgeon

Father, today we ask for the grace to abide in Christ as branches abide in the vine. We know that without Him, we can do nothing. Lord, help us to remain connected to Jesus, drawing our spiritual life, strength, and sustenance from Him. May we find everything we need in Christ and never look elsewhere for fulfillment or guidance.

We ask for the Holy Spirit’s help in bearing fruit that glorifies You. As we abide in Christ, may our lives produce the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let our union with Christ be evident in all that we say and do, so that others may see Your work in us and give glory to Your name.

Forgive us for times when we have acted independently of Christ, thinking we could handle things on our own. Lord, bring us back to a place of humble dependence, recognizing that apart from Christ, we are powerless. Teach us to remain in Him in every moment of our lives, trusting Him for all our needs.

O Savior, reveal more of Yourself to us as we abide in You. Teach us the depths of Your love and grace, and help us to live in such a way that we reflect Your character to the world. As branches in the vine, may we grow strong in You and bear much fruit for Your kingdom.

We begin this day with the desire to remain in Christ, to stay fully connected to Him, and to bear fruit that lasts. May we be branches that bring You glory. Amen.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Abiding in Christ and Bearing Fruit

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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