Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: The Delight of Prayer

The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call out to Him in truth.
— Psalm 145:18 (BSB)

Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence.
— Charles Spurgeon

Our Father, we come to You with hearts full of gratitude, finding joy in Your presence. We are never happier than when we draw near to You in prayer. There is a sweetness in speaking with You, a taste of heaven itself. It is such a comfort to tell You our burdens, to lay our pain before You, and to find our spirits restored by Your gentle touch. Indeed, there is no place like the mercy seat, where we can come as Your children and find peace for our weary souls.

We bless You, Lord, not only for the comfort prayer brings but also for the many times You have answered our cries. You have opened the hidden treasures of heaven and provided for our needs, often before we even called. We have learned the truth of Your word: “Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.” Your faithfulness has never failed us.

Yet, Lord, we feel ashamed that we do not come to You more often. How easily we forget the privilege we have in prayer! We ask for grace to become people of prayer, devoted to this sacred practice that carries us on wings toward heaven. Let prayer become the breath of our lives, the source of our strength.

Help us today to trust in Your provision and grace, and may we find peace in knowing that You hear us and respond. We ask that as we come to You in prayer, we would be transformed by Your presence and filled with the joy of Your nearness. Amen.

Spurgeon's Prayer: The Delight of Prayer

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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