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Spurgeon's Prayer: Reviving Our Hearts for Christ
Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?
— Psalm 85:6 (BSB)
Revival begins by Christians getting right first and then spills over into the world.
— Charles Spurgeon
Lord, we ask You to revive our hearts today. We long for a burning love for Christ that consumes our souls. May we be filled with passion for the Gospel, willing to stand boldly for Your truth, no matter the cost. Raise up men and women in our churches who are on fire for You, Lord. Give us leaders like Antipas, Your faithful martyr, and Paul, who boldly proclaimed the truth. Let us be like John, who listened to the Spirit and led others to do the same.
Father, we ask that You revive Your Church in the midst of these challenging days. The enemy may think he has won, but we know that You are alive, and blessed be our Rock. Strengthen Your people, Lord, and protect us from the wolves that seek to lead us astray. Keep us rooted in Your truth, and help us stand firm, even when the battle is fierce.
Lord, we pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit. Let Your power fall upon Your Church, reviving us and renewing our commitment to the Gospel. Use us, Lord, to bring transformation to the world around us. We know that You are at work, and we long to see Your miracles of mercy repeated in our midst.
As we go through this day, let us be bold in proclaiming Your truth, filled with love for Christ and His Gospel. Revive us, Lord, and restore Your Church.