Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Praying for the Lost

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
— Luke 19:10 (BSB)

I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach.
— Charles Spurgeon

Father, our hearts are burdened for those who are spiritually lost. There are so many who live without ever thinking of You, though You created them and sustain them daily. They are like lost sheep, wandering far from their Shepherd, and they cannot find their way back on their own. But, Lord, You can seek them out. You are the Good Shepherd, and we ask You to draw them to Yourself.

Lord, many of these lost souls do not even realize their desperate need for You. They are living for themselves, for the world, for Satan, and for sin. They are spiritually dead, unable to seek You on their own. But we, Your children, intercede on their behalf. We cry out for their salvation. Father, reach down with Your powerful grace and awaken their hearts. Shake their souls with thoughts of eternity and the seriousness of their condition.

We know that Your grace is able to reach even the vilest of sinners, for You have saved us. We have no reason to boast, for we were once just as lost, trapped in sin and deserving of condemnation. But Your grace lifted us up and set our feet on solid ground. If You can save us, You can save anyone.

Lord, we pray for those who are hesitating, standing at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Jesus, throw in Your cross and tip the scale! May the love of Christ compel them to surrender their hearts to You. Father, we plead for their souls. Save them from the path of destruction and bring them into Your glorious light.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Praying for the Lost

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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