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Spurgeon's Prayer: Adoring Our Triune God
And they were calling out to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory.”
— Isaiah 6:3 (BSB)
Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.
— Charles Spurgeon
O Lord, we come before You with hearts full of adoration. You are the eternal Father, and all the earth worships You. Heaven is filled with Your glory, and we long for people's hearts on earth to be filled with it too. You, O God, are worthy of all praise, for You created us, redeemed us, and sustain us.
Father, we bless You for Your eternal love, which never changes. You are the God who chose us and called us Your own, and we praise You for the indescribable gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Our words are weak, but we offer You all the praise and honor due to Your name.
We also bless You, Lord Jesus, the Divine Son of God, equal and eternal with the Father. You did not hesitate to be born of a virgin, and though You appeared as a man, You obeyed to the point of death, even death on a cross. You have redeemed us by Your blood, and we praise You, declaring Your eternal glory, honor, and power.
Holy Spirit, we worship You as well. You are the One who hovered over chaos and brought order, the One who conceived the body of our Lord and quickened us to spiritual life. You continue to sanctify us, preparing us for our inheritance in the light. To You, O Spirit, be endless praise now and forever.
Lord, though we feel limited in our ability to worship You as You deserve, we long for the day when we will be free from earthly constraints and can praise You fully in Your presence. Until then, accept our offering of praise, and let it be pleasing to You.