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May 7

A Forgiving Spirit

Give us this day our daily bread. — Matt 6:11 BSB

The first part of this prayer is not so difficult to say. Most people are willing to admit, at least generally, that they owe a debt to God, that they have sinned. But the second part is harder to say. When someone has wronged us and we are feeling hurt, it’s not so easy to ask God to forgive us as we forgive others. Sometimes, we don’t forgive at all, and instead, hold onto bitterness toward those who have hurt us. What then do we ask God to do when we pray, “Forgive us as we forgive”? God has tied together blessing and duty in this prayer. If we refuse to forgive those who have wronged us, it shows we don’t have the repentant heart that God looks for when He grants forgiveness. If we want to experience the peace of God in our hearts, we must keep our minds free from bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness.

Forgive us, Lord, because we have forgiven,
Not as we have forgiven, is our prayer.
Earth is lower by far than highest heaven,
Man is not even like the angels are.
And You, to angels, are like the sun to a star.
Measure Your mercy not by our small scale,
But by Yours, which measures eternity.
We do our part, we strive, we fail,
Our charity, even at its best, seeks to please self.
Our purest deeds are dimmed by self-interest;
Our finest gold is mixed with impure alloy.
Our sweetest songs, though heard by seraphim,
Would sound discordant and harsh to them,
But for the love they learn from You.
Still, with one word You pour out Your forgiveness,
Beyond what we hope or deserve, Lord.
So forgive us, and in our humble way,
We will begin to understand as we pray.

Daily Word of God - May 7

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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