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May 6

Day by Day

Give us this day our daily bread. — Matt 6:11 BSB

This may seem like a small request—just daily bread. Why didn’t Jesus teach us to pray for enough bread to last a week, a month, or even a year? One reason is that Jesus wanted to teach us to live in constant dependence on God. He taught us to ask for our daily food each morning so we would always feel our need for our Father. Another lesson is that we are to live one day at a time. We’re not to worry about tomorrow’s needs. When tomorrow comes, it will be time to deal with it then. This lesson was also taught in the way manna was provided—just enough for one day at a time.

Build a little fence of trust
Around today;
Fill the space with loving work,
And stay within it.
Don’t look beyond the fence
At tomorrow;
God will help you handle
Whatever comes.

We also shouldn’t overlook the word “us.” It’s plural and reminds us to think beyond our own needs and remember God’s other children. This prayer for daily bread is also for our neighbor, as well as ourselves. As we enjoy our own provision, we must also share with those who are in need.

This bread is My body broken for you,
This cup is His blood shed for you;
The holy meal is truly kept
When we share with others in need,—
Not in what we give, but in what we share,—
For a gift without the giver is empty;
Whoever gives of themselves with their gift feeds three—
Themselves, their hungry neighbor, and Me.

Daily Word of God - May 6

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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