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May 8
Enduring Temptation
Give us this day our daily bread. — Matt 6:11 BSB
It’s impossible to live in this world and avoid temptation. In the past, some people withdrew from active life and from human connections, hoping to escape the temptation to sin. But they didn’t succeed, because wherever they went, they carried with them their own hearts—a source of corruption, always exposed to temptation. The only true escape from all temptation is through the door that leads into heaven. We grieve when God calls our loved ones away—the little child in its innocence, the mother in her maturity, the young man in his strength. But do we ever consider that we have even more reason to be anxious, maybe even grieve, for those still living who must face the battle against sin in this world? Those who have entered heaven through faith are safe forever, but those still in the battle are in constant danger.
This part of the prayer is a request that we won’t be unnecessarily tested by temptation. Sometimes, God allows us to be tested because we can only grow stronger through victory. Scripture tells us, “Blessed is the one who endures temptation, for when they have been tested, they will receive the crown of life.” Yet, we should never seek out situations where we will be exposed to temptation. Temptation is a terrible experience, filled with danger, and we should avoid it unless God leads us into it. We should never run toward spiritual danger without God’s guidance. There are no promises of protection for presumption. As Jesus said, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” When God sends us into danger, He is with us. But when we go where He has not sent us, we go unprotected.