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March 6

More and More of Blessing

and said, “Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk. But you have saved the fine wine until now!” — John 2:10 BSB

The world gives its best first, and the worst comes later. This is how it works with sinful pleasures—there’s excitement at first, but then comes regret. It’s the same in the pursuit of wealth, power, and fame. The initial rewards feel good, but disappointment follows. Money can bring happiness at first, but as wealth increases, so do problems and anxieties. Eventually, a rich person may feel less content than they did when they had little. The same is true of worldly ambitions. The early taste of success is sweet, but it quickly loses its appeal. This is especially true of sin. At first, it may be enjoyable, but bitterness waits at the end.

In contrast, God’s grace works in the opposite way. The best comes last. Jesus Himself went through humiliation, darkness, and the shame of the cross, but afterward came glory and power.

In the Christian life, the same pattern holds. Bitterness comes first, but from it flows sweetness. There’s the deep sorrow of repentance, but then comes the joy of forgiveness. At first, there is self-denial and carrying the cross, but from these experiences comes a peace that fills the heart. Though sorrows come, the cup is eventually filled with the good wine of comfort. God’s blessings constantly increase. We never reach the end of them, and the best is always yet to come. Finally, the very best is saved for heaven, where the fullness of God’s love will be revealed in ways we can’t yet imagine.

Daily Word of God - March 6

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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