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April 13

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. — 1 Cor 15:20-22 BSB

Christ, risen from the dead, is the firstfruits of that mighty harvest of buried dead whose bodies still rest in the silent dust, and who will be followed by countless others who die in Him until all are raised together on the resurrection morning. The image is drawn from the Old Testament, where the sheaf of the firstfruits was offered before the Lord, signaling that the entire harvest was ready for reaping (Lev. 23:10-11). This offering of the wave sheaf was a consecration and dedication of the whole field of crops to the Lord and served as a pledge that the full harvest was prepared for the sickle.

The firstfruits represented the entire crop, just as Christ represents His saints; and the offering of the firstfruits sanctified what remained unreaped, just as Christ sanctified the yet unreaped harvest of the saints who have died. The firstfruits being carried into the tabernacle also symbolized the first introduction of the crop into God's house, as Christ's entrance into heaven as the firstfruits guarantees the future entrance of the bodies of His saints into the mansions He has prepared for them.

Therefore, when Christ rose from the dead, He presented Himself before the Father as the firstfruits of the grand resurrection harvest. In doing so, He consecrated the entire crop—His people—for God. As He rose from the dead, so shall all the saints rise, for His resurrection is the firstfruits, the guarantee, and the assurance of theirs.

Daily Wisdom - April 13

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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