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March 6

The Secret Place Of Prayer

But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. — Matt 6:6 BSB

When we pray, there should be deliberateness—a secret place, an inner chamber, a specific time, and a closed door to keep out distractions. In that quiet place, our Father is waiting for us, just as certainly as He is in heaven. Approach Him with reverence, like Moses taking off his shoes on holy ground. Come with trust, for you are speaking with One who is full of sympathy and love. Be comforted, for there is no problem He cannot solve, no tangled situation He cannot straighten out.

God knows our needs even better than we do. He has already seen every step of our journey, every challenge, every temptation, every moment of joy, and every tear we will shed. He listens to our requests and is pleased when they align with His perfect knowledge. And even when we don’t know what to ask, He often gives us something better than what we could have imagined.

“He will reward you.” If He doesn’t remove the difficulty, He will send strength to endure it. If the thorn remains, He will give more grace. You can be sure that in some way, your Heavenly Father will meet your specific need. It’s as certain as if you heard His voice saying, “Go your way, your prayer has been heard. Trust Me—I will take care of it!” Once you’ve committed something to God in prayer, leave it with Him. Don’t keep rehashing the same request, as that suggests you never truly let go. Instead, keep your eyes on God, not to remind Him, but to say, “Father, You know, You understand, You care. I trust You completely!”

There is a kind of prayer that never ceases, but it’s not about repeating the same request over and over. It's about continuous fellowship with God. Jesus warned against using empty repetitions, like those who think they’ll be heard for their many words. Instead, trust in the faithfulness of the One who promised. This trust is perhaps the highest form of prayer, for faith is the quiet confidence in things yet unseen!


Lift us into the light, love, purity, and blessedness that come from walking with You. And grant that one day we will join those who trusted in You, seeking to do Your will in all things, whether small or great. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 6

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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