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March 5

Standing Before God

The men of Beth-shemesh asked, “Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God? To whom should the ark go up from here?” — 1 Sam 6:20 BSB

The phrase "to stand before God" speaks of a life deeply rooted in devotion. It encompasses knowing God, obeying His commands, and interceding for others. This phrase was a favorite of Elijah and described the spirit of his life, and it should be our desire as well. But if we want this to be more than a vague wish or idle thought, we must hold firmly to core principles.

Many of us tend to follow the crowd, allowing the direction of our lives to be determined by those around us—our companions, desires, or whims. When we feel a brief discomfort comparing our lives to the high standards found in Scripture or in the lives of the saints, we excuse ourselves by thinking, "As long as my main purpose in life is good, the small details don’t matter." But who we truly are is revealed in the smallest details of our lives.

Imagine the transformation that would occur if our lives were dedicated to standing before God, seeking to please Him in all we do. This wouldn't make us less loving toward our friends or less active in serving others. It wouldn't take away our joy, our strength, or our passion. But it would restrain many idle words, stop foolish behavior, end selfish indulgences, and bring our focus back to what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.

We must hold the things of this world loosely. It's hard to define exactly what "worldliness" is, since what may be worldly to one person is simply a part of life to another. But we all know the things that tie us down and keep us earthbound. We can identify them by considering what we cling to most—what we find hardest to let go of, even if it means surrendering it to Christ. Whatever it is that prevents us from living fully for God, whatever weighs us down on our heavenly journey, should be laid on God's altar. Only then can we be fully devoted to Him, without any hindrances.


Holy Spirit, help us to live out our true purpose in daily life. May we rise in heart and mind to dwell with You, setting our affections on things above, not on the things of earth. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 5

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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