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March 7

The Model Prayer

So then, this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. — Matt 6:9 BSB

The Lord’s Prayer is like a temple crafted by Christ Himself—His ideal embodied in simple, beautiful words. As we repeat these profound sentences, we join the countless souls who have poured their hearts into these petitions throughout history.

Jesus didn’t just talk about prayer; He lived it. He constantly withdrew to pray, seeking fellowship with His Father. His disciples knew this, and they had seen the glory of those moments reflected on His face. How wonderful it would be if the same glory of communion with God were so evident in us that others would come and say, “Teach us to pray” (Exodus 34:35).

Prayer must be simple. While some may think that long prayers are more effective, Jesus taught otherwise. His model for us is direct, clear, and meaningful.

Prayer must also be reverent. Though God welcomes the tenderest words and closest intimacy, we must remember He is the great King, and His Name is Holy. Angels cover their faces before Him. Let us be mindful that “God is in heaven, and you are on earth; so let your words be few.”

Prayer must be unselfish. The Lord’s Prayer intertwines intercession for others with our own needs, reminding us that we are part of a larger body, the body of Christ. Even when we feel isolated by sorrow or sin, prayer brings us into unity with the whole Church.

Prayer must address real needs. Jesus’ instruction to pray for daily bread shows that God cares about every necessity in our lives. We can trust that it’s His will to provide.

Finally, prayer must be filled with faith. If we believe that earthly requests are often answered, how much more should we trust that our Heavenly Father, who loves us deeply, will respond to our prayers (Luke 11:9-13).


O God, help us to live in the spirit of prayer today. Breathe Your Spirit into us as we kneel before You. Remove the selfishness that causes discord and unite our hearts in reverence for Your Name. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 7

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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