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March 4

God's Condescension To Man

When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place— what is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You care for him? — Ps 8:3-4 BSB

A certain writer mocked the idea that the Almighty God, who rules the stars, could even notice something as small as a human being. He said, “Imagine yourself in the vastness of space, just a tiny speck. Do you think the Almighty cares about you?” But size doesn’t determine significance! An infant in a cradle is far more precious to its parents and nation than the grand palace in which it was born. The same age that discovered the telescope to explore the vastness above also discovered the microscope to reveal the hidden wonders below.

The Psalmist had a completely different perspective. Standing under the eastern skies, lit up by countless stars, he cried out, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens! These are Your heavens, the work of Your fingers—the moon and the stars You have ordained. How great You are!” Then he reflected on humanity and realized there must be more to us than what meets the eye. We must have a hidden dignity, since the great Creator of the universe calls us His friends.

But how can God take pleasure in visiting a sinful race like ours? It’s understandable that He might be in fellowship with great saints like Moses, Elijah, Daniel, or John, but how can He stoop to associate with ordinary people like us? What is Zacchaeus that the Son of Man should visit his house, given that he’s a tax collector? Yet Zacchaeus had recently begun to make amends for his wrongs, and Jesus saw in him the potential to become a true son of Abraham! What about Simon Peter? Though weak, he would one day become the rock of the Church! Jesus sees what we can become, and He stands at the door of our hearts, seeking entrance. Let us open the door and invite Him in.


O God, may every part of our being be consecrated for Your indwelling and use. Let there be no darkness within us; may the light of Your presence fill us with peace and joy. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 4

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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