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March 3

The Viewpoint Of The Sanctuary

But as for me, it is good to draw near to God. I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may proclaim all Your works. — Ps 73:28 BSB

Asaph, the psalmist, struggled deeply with the prosperity of the wicked in his day. He kept his frustration to himself, not wanting to harm the faith of others, but it weighed heavily on his heart. He saw those who openly defied God living at ease, while he, despite his innocence and efforts to live righteously, faced trials daily. His spirit was deeply troubled until he entered the sanctuary of God. There, in that sacred space, God revealed to him the future and the stark contrast between the fates of the wicked and the righteous when eternity corrected the imbalance of this world.

Each of us needs a sanctuary—a place where we can retreat from the rush and noise of life to meet with God. For some, it may be a church, a quiet room, or a special spot in nature. How unfortunate it is for those who have no such place of peace and reflection! Like Abraham, we need to stand before the Lord in our own sacred spaces (Genesis 18:22-23).

God instructed Moses to build everything according to the pattern shown to him in the sanctuary (Exodus 25:8-9, 25:40). We shouldn’t drift aimlessly through life, swayed by every wind of circumstance, nor should we be content to follow our own plans or copy the paths of others. Before we embark on any new venture or change in our lives, we must enter the sanctuary of God, seeking His guidance and plan. God has a purpose for each of us, down to the smallest details of our lives. If we are faithful to His leading, He will guide us to experiences and blessings beyond anything we could imagine.

Frances Ridley Havergal once wrote, “I am struck with the possibilities of the Christian life! In my own experience, what once seemed distant possibilities are now realities, and I see new horizons of possibilities opening up, which in God’s time will also become realities.”

Forget the past—both the failures and the successes. Let go of the regrets over missed opportunities and the pride of past achievements. Leave it all in God’s hands. Move forward with confidence, knowing that God is able and willing to provide all the grace you need to fulfill His plan for your life.


Lord, grant me the joy and peace of drawing near to You. Help me to trust Your plan for my life and to follow where You lead. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 3

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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