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January 26

Knocking At The Door!

Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. — Rev 3:19-20 BSB

Christ knocks at the door when His judgments are in the earth. There's little doubt that God has arisen to shake the earth mightily. This is a day of the Lord of Hosts, when judgments come upon all that is proud and haughty—upon the great trees and the mountains, the high hills and the lofty. But even in such times, He draws near to reassure us (Isaiah 2:11-21; Joel 3:16).

On the eve of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, He came to the door of Abraham’s tent, shared a meal with him, and gave promises of assurance to him and Sarah. These promises unfolded His divine purposes. As Abraham stood before the Lord, he was prepared for the tragedy of the coming day and was permitted such intimacy with God that he became deeply concerned for God’s righteousness and justice.

Do not fear the things to come, but open the door to Him who knocks. He has come to spend the darkest hours with you, as a mother runs to comfort her child when a thunderstorm breaks.

Christ also knocks when we are preparing for a great task. Perhaps you are embarking on one of His missions, expecting opposition or misunderstanding, or unsure of how you will be received. Like Moses, you may say, "Send someone else, but not me." Or like Jeremiah, you may protest, "I am only a child, I cannot speak." You may feel like the Apostles, facing a world that seems to be against you. In such moments, He stands at the door to encourage and inspire. Just as He appeared to Paul after the turmoil in the Sanhedrin and said, "Take courage!"

Christ knocks when we are grieving. We all know the longing for loved ones we can no longer reach, either by word or gesture. When the ship has sailed beyond the horizon and we turn back to a home that feels empty, it is then that we can expect His gentle knock. He comes just as He did to Bethany when Lazarus died, to weep with Mary and Martha. He will knock at your heart’s door, ready to fill the emptiness with His presence.


Come nearer to us than the closest friend. Enter our hearts with the words, "Fear not, I am with you, I will help you." Give us all that we need to fight the good fight and finish our race with joy. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - January 26

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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