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January 27
Christ Pleading For Admission
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. — Rev 3:20 BSB
Do not forget the majesty and glory of the One who asks for admission!
In the next verse, He declares that He can give us the right to sit with Him on His throne. He stands now, but one day we will sit! O child of two worlds, tune out the noise of this passing age and listen to the One who stands at the door of your life, knocking!
We know that the Savior never truly leaves the hearts that are His. He abides with us, just as we abide in Him. But sometimes, the flow of our love diminishes. The current that once ran strong may dwindle. The light in the sky may linger, but clouds block the sun. We may still feel warmth, but the extremities grow cold. It is in these moments that the Lord of all comes to the door of our lives and knocks, asking to come in once again.
We may expect His knock when our love begins to fade. Once, our hearts raced when we heard His footsteps approaching. Now, when He is near, we leave Him standing in the cold night, His head wet with dew. We know the feeling of being “neither hot nor cold.” Our hearts have grown numb. But it is precisely in these moments that we can expect to hear Christ’s knock. He asks only that we let Him in, and He will revive our souls and restore love to our hearts.
We may also expect His knock when our time comes to leave this world. The day will come when we receive a summons, like Christian in Pilgrim’s Progress: “The Master is calling you to stand in His presence, clothed in immortality, within ten days.” This same message will come to Mr. Honest, Mr. Ready-to-halt, Mr. Despondency, Miss Much-afraid, Mr. Stand-fast, and Mr. Valiant-for-truth. But with the message, there will also be a knock at the door from Jesus, saying, "Do not be afraid, I will be with you. I have called you by name; you are Mine." (Isaiah 43:1).
We thank You, O God, that Your love has come to us in human form, shining from the face of Christ Jesus, speaking in words we can understand. We thank You that He stands at the low doorway of our hearts, knocking and waiting to come in and dwell with us forever. We ask that the Holy Spirit would open our eyes to see Him more clearly and our hearts to love and welcome Him more deeply. Amen.