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November 3

Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given you through the prophecy spoken over you at the laying on of the hands of the elders. — 1 Tim 4:14 BSB

We should make the most of the gifts and talents we have. Timothy was urged not to neglect the gift given to him at his ordination. His ministry was a sacred calling. But there are also gifts that come from natural talent, education, and life experience. Whatever gifts we possess, we must use them, not neglect them.

In another place, Paul encouraged Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God.” This suggests that Timothy’s zeal and passion may have dimmed and needed rekindling. Many Christians are good but not as good as they could be. They are doing well but could achieve much more. Their love, passion, and enthusiasm need to be stirred up. No talent or ability should be left unused or buried.

Mornings With God - November 3

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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