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November 15

But He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” — Luke 11:28 BSB

Some people are more concerned about outward manners than inward morals. Jesus disregarded a social custom at the Pharisee’s dinner, and His host was offended. If the host spoke his criticism aloud, he broke the rules of courtesy. A host is supposed to treat a guest with the utmost respect, even if the guest neglects some social formality.

Jesus made it clear that morals are far more important than manners. He pointed out that the Pharisees were meticulous about outward appearances, but inside they were full of greed and wickedness. While it’s good to be polite and observe social etiquette, it’s far worse to judge or look down on someone for not conforming to these customs. We must remember that a kind heart matters more than polished manners.

Mornings With God - November 15

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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