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August 25

Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name... he shall not lose his reward. — Mark 9:41

Jesus set up three monuments in His Gospels.

One was to the widow who gave the two mites. Another was to the woman who anointed His head and feet, the story of whose deed is enshrined in the Gospels. The other is the one referred to here – the person who gives the cup of cold water to a disciple in the Master’s name.

It is not great things that make men great in heaven’s sight – it is the love that is in what they do. The least act of kindness done in Christ’s name is greater than the building of a city for personal glory.

Jesus loved children. He is always the children’s friend. He tells us that no crime is greater than causing a little child to stumble. Heaven is always on the children’s side. The cry of a wronged child is heard in heaven. The children’s angels have special and immediate access into God’s presence at all times.

Whoever else may have to wait God’s pleasure any day, children are always admitted promptly.

Mornings With God - August 25

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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