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August 24

Grant unto us that we may sit, one on Thy right hand, and the other on Thy left hand, in Thy glory. — Mark 10:37

When we ask to be near Christ and to honor Him, we do not know what we are seeking.

James and John were sincere in their love for Jesus and their interest in His kingdom, but they were ignorant of the nature of that kingdom. They had earthly ideas of it, and in asking for the highest places they were thinking of official rank. Still, they were sincere when Jesus asked them if they were able to pay the price.

They said truthfully, “We are able.” And they proved their word true. As the true meaning of the kingdom was made known to them afterwards, they did not falter, but drank the cup and accepted the baptism.

We think only of pleasure as we devote ourselves to Christ and begin to follow Him. We say we are ready for whatever the Master may have for us to do or to suffer. We do not know what we are pledging, but we need not hesitate.

Anything of sacrifice or suffering for Him will be gain and glory in the end.

Mornings With God - August 24

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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