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May 13


For His anger is fleeting, but His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may stay the night, but joy comes in the morning. — Ps 30:5 BSB

Christian, if you are enduring a night of trial, look ahead to the dawn—let the thought of your Lord’s return lift your spirits. Be patient, for as Scripture says, “Lo, He comes with clouds!” Be patient like the gardener who waits for his harvest. Be patient, for Jesus Himself promised, “Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to his work.” No matter how hard your current circumstances may be, remember: "A few more rolling suns at most, will land you on fair Canaan's coast."

Your head may now be weighed down by thorny troubles, but soon it will wear a starry crown. Your hands may now be full of burdens, but soon they will sweep the strings of heaven’s harp. Your garments may be soiled with life’s dust, but soon they will be washed white as snow. Wait just a little longer.

Oh, how small our present troubles will seem when we look back on them from heaven! Right now, they may appear overwhelming, but in eternity, we will say, "With transporting joys recount, the labors of our feet." These trials will appear as light and momentary afflictions. So let us press on boldly! Though the night may seem dark now, the morning is coming, and what a glorious morning it will be! For those lost in the darkness of hell, no such dawn will ever come. But for you, Christian, though weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning!


The LORD is my portion; I have promised to keep Your words. — Ps 119:57 BSB

Look around, believer, and compare your portion with that of others.

Some have their portion in the field; their wealth is found in the golden harvests they reap. But what are fields and harvests compared to your God, who is the Lord of the harvest? What are overflowing granaries compared to the One who feeds you with the bread of heaven?

Some have their portion in the city, where their riches multiply and flow to them in abundant streams until they have more than enough. But what is gold compared to your God? Can it sustain your spiritual life? Can it soothe a troubled conscience or comfort a despondent heart? No! But you have God, and in Him, you possess far more than any earthly treasure could provide.

Others seek their portion in applause and fame, but does that even come close to what you have in God? What good is the praise of a thousand voices when it comes time to face death or judgment? Wealth and fame can’t bring peace in the face of life’s deepest sorrows, nor can they provide what you’ll need in your final moments.

But you, believer, with God as your portion, are rich beyond measure. He meets all your needs in life and in death. With God, you are never left wanting. He will comfort your heart, guide your steps, and walk with you through the darkest valleys. And at the end of your journey, He will bring you safely home to enjoy Him as your eternal portion.

Esau once declared, "I have enough." That’s the best a worldly man can say. But Jacob’s reply was, "I have all things," a declaration far beyond the grasp of those who do not know God.

Morning and Evening - May 13

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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