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May 12
Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him. — John 14:21 BSB
The Lord Jesus reveals Himself in a special way to His people. Even if Scripture didn’t affirm this, countless believers could testify to it from their own experiences. They have had encounters with Jesus that go beyond mere reading or hearing, moments when He has manifested Himself to their souls in a personal and profound manner. You can find stories in the lives of saints where Jesus has drawn near, unfolding the wonders of His person and filling their hearts with such joy that they felt as if they were already in heaven, though still on earth. For when Jesus reveals Himself, it is like a foretaste of paradise—heaven on earth, bliss already begun!
These encounters with Christ have a deep impact on the believer’s heart. One effect is humility. If someone boasts, "I’ve had such spiritual experiences, so I must be great," it’s clear they have never truly encountered Jesus. For "God has regard for the humble but knows the proud from afar." He doesn’t draw near to the proud, nor will He grant them His loving visits.
Another effect is happiness, for in God’s presence there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasures.
Holiness also follows. A person who lacks holiness has never truly experienced the presence of Christ. Some may boast of spiritual experiences, but we should not be deceived unless we see their lives reflect what they profess. "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked." He will not show favor to the wicked, and while He won’t reject the godly, He will not draw near to evildoers. Thus, the three marks of true nearness to Jesus are humility, happiness, and holiness. May God grant these to you, Christian!
“I am God,” He said, “the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will surely bring you back. And Joseph’s own hands will close your eyes.” — Gen 46:3-4 BSB
Jacob must have trembled at the thought of leaving his homeland to dwell among heathen strangers. It was a new and likely challenging experience—who could face such unknown perils without fear? Yet, the path was clearly appointed for him, so Jacob resolved to go. Many believers today find themselves in a similar situation—they are called into uncharted waters, facing new and untested trials. At such times, they should follow Jacob’s example: offer sacrifices of prayer to God, and seek His guidance. Don’t take a single step without first waiting upon the Lord for His blessing. Then, just as Jacob did, they will have God as their companion, friend, and helper.
How wonderful it is to know that the Lord is with us in all our ways, even in our humiliations and trials. Even when we are far from home or in the depths of adversity, God’s love shines as brightly as ever. We cannot hesitate to move forward when Jehovah promises His presence. Even the valley of death is illuminated with the light of His assurance.
With faith in God, believers shall receive the same promise given to Jacob: we will be brought through life’s troubles and death’s trials safely. Just as Jacob’s descendants were eventually brought out of Egypt, so shall all the faithful pass through their tribulations unscathed. Let us walk with the same confidence that Jacob had.
"Fear not" is God’s command, and His divine encouragement to those who set out into unknown territories. His presence and protection remove any need for fear. Without God, we should fear to move, but when He bids us to go, it would be dangerous to hesitate. Reader, go forward in faith, and fear not!