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May 14


And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ—if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him. — Rom 8:17 BSB

All the vast realms of His Father’s creation belong to Christ by divine right. As the "heir of all things," He owns the entire universe, and He has graciously included us in this inheritance by making us joint-heirs with Him. The golden streets of paradise, the gates of pearl, the river of life, the indescribable joy, and the glory beyond words are all made ours by our blessed Lord for eternity!

Everything that belongs to Him, He shares with His people. The royal crown He wears has been placed on the head of His Church. He has appointed her to reign with Him, calling His people a royal priesthood, a generation of kings and priests. He laid down His own crown to give us a coronation of glory. He won’t sit on His throne without making room for those who overcome by His blood. When the head is crowned, the entire body shares the honor. Behold, this is the reward of every Christian who conquers! Christ’s throne, His crown, His scepter, His palace, His treasure, His royal robes, and His heritage are yours! Unlike the jealousy, selfishness, and greed of earthly rulers who hoard their power and riches, Christ delights in sharing His happiness with His people. “The glory which You gave Me—I have given them.” He said, “I speak these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.”

The smile of His Father is all the sweeter to Him because He shares it with His people. The honors of His kingdom are more precious because His people will appear with Him in glory. His victories are more valuable because they teach His people to overcome. He delights in His throne because there is room on it for them. He rejoices in His royal garments because He wraps His people in their covering. His joy is more complete because He calls us to share in it.


He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. He gently leads the nursing ewes. — Isa 40:11 BSB

Who is this of whom such gracious words are spoken? It is the Good Shepherd. Why does He carry the lambs in His bosom? Because His heart is full of tenderness, and any weakness quickly touches His compassion. The sighs, the ignorance, and the frailty of the little ones in His flock move His heart to pity. It is His role as the faithful High Priest to care for the weak. Moreover, they belong to Him, bought with His precious blood, so He must and will take care of what is so dear to Him.

He is responsible for each lamb, bound by His covenant not to lose even one. They are part of His glory and reward. But what does it mean that He "carries" them? Sometimes He carries them by sparing them from severe trials. In His providence, He deals gently with them. Other times, He carries them by filling their hearts with an overwhelming sense of His love, enabling them to endure hardships and stand firm in their faith. Though they may not have deep knowledge, they find great sweetness in what they do know. Often, He carries them by granting them simple, childlike faith, which takes His promises at face value and runs to Him in every trouble. The simplicity of their faith gives them a unique confidence that helps them rise above the world.

“He will carry the lambs in His bosom.” What boundless affection this reveals! Would He carry them so near His heart if He didn’t love them deeply? What tender intimacy! They are as close to Him as they can be. What hallowed closeness! There is a sacred exchange of love between Christ and His little ones. What perfect safety! No one can harm them in His bosom—they would have to hurt the Shepherd first. What sweet comfort! There is no better place to rest than in His loving arms. Surely, we cannot fully comprehend the infinite tenderness of Jesus toward us!

Morning and Evening - May 14

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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