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September 16

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, for God has said: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” — Heb 13:5 BSB

It is comforting to know that even when we make mistakes and bring unnecessary troubles upon ourselves, God does not abandon us. When we repent and call on Him, He is always ready to forgive and deliver us. We should not lose faith because we may have strayed from His path. The Israelites did not enter the Promised Land when God called them, but He did not desert them. Instead, He walked with them for forty years in the wilderness, bearing their backslidings with patience. In all their afflictions, He was afflicted, but the Angel of His presence saved them. He carried them through those years, waiting to be gracious when they were ready.

Though our wanderings may bring sorrow and cause us to lose many blessings, God has promised that He will never leave or forsake those who choose Him.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - September 16

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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