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September 15
For the vision awaits an appointed time; it testifies of the end and does not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it, since it will surely come and will not delay. — Hab 2:3 BSB
Some things fulfill their purpose quickly, like a flower blooming in a season. Others, like the Columbian aloe, take a century to fully develop. But God’s plans, whether long or short, always come to fruition. Many of us want to pluck our fruit prematurely, and we end up with something sour and unripe. But God’s purposes ripen slowly and fully. Faith waits patiently, knowing that what He has promised will come, and it will not be delayed longer than necessary.
It brings perfect peace when we trust this truth. We can rest assured that His purposes will be accomplished if we commit our ways to Him and walk in obedience to His guidance. This faith brings calm and keeps us from the restless urge to do too much ourselves.
Wait, and every wrong will be made right,
Wait, and every cloud will brighten,
If you only wait.