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October 29

In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you. — John 16:23 BSB

Two men approach the bank cashier, each holding a piece of paper. One is dressed in expensive clothes, extending a gloved and jeweled hand. The other is a rough, unwashed laborer. The first is politely turned away, while the second receives a thousand dollars. What made the difference? One presented a worthless note, while the other handed in a note endorsed by the president of the bank.

In the same way, the most virtuous moralist may be rejected at the gates of mercy, while the vilest sinner will be welcomed if he presents the name of Jesus.

What can we offer to infinite purity and righteousness? Jesus. No other gift is worthy. God has given Him to us for this very purpose, and God Himself has testified that He is well pleased in Him. Everyone who receives Jesus is accepted in the Beloved.

Shall we accept God’s testimony that He is satisfied with His Son? And shall we be satisfied with Him?

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - October 29

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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