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December 5

All these men of war, arrayed for battle, came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. And all the rest of the Israelites were of one mind to make David king. — 1 Chr 12:38 BSB

What is the supreme purpose of our life? They were all of one heart to make David king. Is this our purpose—to prepare the Bride, to prepare the world, and to prepare His way? Does this calling overshadow all other ambitions and concerns? Does it fill and satisfy every part of us—our mind, our strength, our desires? Does it guide every decision, every effort, and every moment of our lives? Does it shape the way we educate our children, invest our resources, form friendships, and live out our lives? Are we truly of one heart, committed to making Jesus King in every aspect of life?

We're going forth united,
With loyal heart and hand,
To bear His royal banner
Afar in every land.

From every tribe and nation,
We'll hasten His Bride to bring,
And oh, with what glad welcome
We'll make our Jesus King.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - December 5

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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