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August 16

and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age. — Matt 28:20 BSB

It’s such a comfort to know that Christ, who spent thirty years of His life in the carpenter shop at Nazareth, understands the struggles of daily labor. He worked with His hands, feeling tired and dusty, just as we do. He understands our hard work and is still willing to share in it, equipping us for every task.

Yes, humble sister, He will help you as you wash the dishes or do the laundry. Yes, busy mechanic, He will assist you in your daily work, whether you’re hammering nails, sawing wood, or plowing the field. His wisdom is available for the most mundane tasks, and He is willing to partner with us in all we do. There is no place where He won’t walk beside us, working through our hands and minds, providing everything we need to accomplish our daily duties.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - August 16

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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