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August 17

“Take the staff and assemble the congregation. You and your brother Aaron are to speak to the rock while they watch, and it will pour out its water. You will bring out water from the rock and provide drink for the congregation and their livestock.” — Num 20:8 BSB

The Holy Spirit is very sensitive, as love always is. You can subdue a wild animal with force, but you cannot win the heart of a sensitive soul that way. Love must be drawn by trust and affection, not by coercion. The Holy Spirit operates in the same way—He responds to a delicate and trusting faith. One small thought of unbelief or a single word of distrust can immediately hinder His perfect work in our lives, just as frost withers the petals of a fragile rose.

Instead of striking the Rock, speak to it. Believe in the Holy Spirit and treat Him with tender confidence and unwavering trust. He will respond to you with faithfulness.

Beloved, have you come to the Rock of Kadesh? Have you opened your heart to the fullness of the Spirit? With the same confidence a child has in its mother, or a bride has in her groom, are you receiving the living water He offers by faith and drinking deeply of His life?

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - August 17

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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