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April 16

Be on the alert. Stand firm in the faith. Be men of courage. Be strong. — 1 Cor 16:13 BSB

Be brave. Cowards often get hurt, while brave men usually emerge unscathed. Jeremiah was a hero. He feared nothing, boldly confronting his king and countrymen. As a result, he came through the siege of Jerusalem without harm. On the other hand, King Zedekiah was a coward, always afraid to obey God. His disobedience led to his cruel punishment.

Those who stay true to their convictions from the start face fewer trials. When God gives you a trial, if you can stand firm, He doesn't always repeat it. Abraham’s test on Mount Moriah was the final test of his life.

Don’t let Satan see that you’re afraid of him, or he’ll pursue you relentlessly, believing he has a chance to win.

Be true, be true,
Whether friends be false or few,
Whatever may come, ever by His side,
Let Him always find you true.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - April 16

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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