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April 17

He who is slow to anger is better than a warrior, and he who controls his temper is greater than one who captures a city. — Prov 16:32 BSB

Temperance is true self-government. It involves the grace of self-denial and the spirit of a sound mind. It’s the calmness of spirit that keeps us quiet, collected, deliberate, and always in tune with God’s voice and the conviction of duty. Many people lack this balance and clarity of spirit. They are driven by their own moods, the influence of others, or their circumstances.

No desire should ever control us. Even a good purpose should not dominate us to the point where we’re not perfectly free. Even pure affection can become inordinate. Our work, even if begun for God’s will, can become a selfish passion over time.

Lord, give us spirits controlled by Your Spirit, eyes always looking to You, so that Your service becomes our perfect freedom, and our submission to You becomes the truest liberty.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - April 17

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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