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April 10
But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are His house, if we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope of which we boast. — Heb 3:6 BSB
Few things are sadder than seeing a once strong and noble Christian character become a wreck when the enemy succeeds in undermining simple trust in God. It is terrifying when a soul allows Satan to take the throne, acting as if he were God, judging every thought and action, and keeping the soul in the darkness of constant condemnation. The apostle rightly tells us to hold firmly to the shield of faith!
This is Satan’s ultimate goal in all his attacks on you—to destroy your trust. If he can get you to lose your simple confidence in God, he knows you will soon fall under his power.
Losing trust in God can wreck both your mind and your life, especially if you have once known the sweetness of His love. Beloved, hold fast to your confidence and the joyful hope that endures until the end.
Do not fear to take your place
With Jesus on the throne,
And bid the powers of earth and hell
Submit to His sovereign reign.