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October 26
Because of Us
If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. — Matt 24:22 BSB
For the sake of His chosen people, the Lord often withholds many judgments and shortens others. In times of great tribulation, the fire would consume everything were it not for His regard for His elect, which dampens the flames. While He saves His elect for the sake of Jesus, He also preserves the world for their sake.
What an honor this bestows upon the saints! How diligently they should use their influence with the Lord! He will hear their prayers for sinners and bless their efforts in bringing them to salvation. He blesses believers so that they may be a blessing to those who don’t yet believe. Many sinners live because of the prayers of a mother, wife, or daughter whom the Lord listens to with compassion.
Are we using the great power the Lord has entrusted to us? Do we pray for our nation, other countries, and our generation? In times of war, famine, or disease, do we stand as intercessors, pleading with God to shorten the days of suffering? Do we mourn before God for the rise of infidelity, falsehood, and sin? Do we plead with our Lord to hasten His glorious return and end the reign of sin? Let us kneel in prayer and not rest until Christ appears.