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May 16
We Receive as We Give
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. — Matt 5:7 BSB
It’s not right for someone who won’t forgive to be forgiven, nor for someone who won’t help the poor to have their own needs met. God measures to us with our own standards, and those who have been harsh masters or tough creditors will find that God will deal harshly with them. “Judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful.”
Today, let’s focus on giving and forgiving. Let’s remember the two “bears”—bear and forbear. Let’s be kind, gentle, and compassionate. Let’s not judge people harshly, drive hard bargains, pick silly fights, or be difficult to please. Surely, we want to be blessed, and we also want to receive mercy—so let’s be merciful to obtain mercy. Isn’t it a joyful duty to be kind? Isn’t there more sweetness in it than in being angry or ungenerous? In fact, there’s a blessing in the act itself! And the reward of receiving mercy is so rich. What an amazing promise: we show mercy in small things, and God forgives us for our entire debt.