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August 24

God Above Human Philosophy

For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” — 1 Cor 1:19 BSB

This verse may sound like a warning to the worldly wise, but to the simple believer, it’s a promise. Those who think they are wise are constantly trying to destroy the faith of humble believers, but they always fail. Their arguments collapse, their theories crumble, and their plans fall apart before they can be carried out. The old gospel is still standing and will continue to stand as long as the Lord lives. If it could have been destroyed, it would have disappeared long ago.

We don’t need to fight against the wisdom of the world—it’s in much better hands. God Himself says, “I will,” and He never makes a promise in vain. Twice in this verse, He declares His purpose, and we can be sure He will carry it out.

When God steps in, He clears away the false ideas of human wisdom and “modern thought.” He reduces them to nothing. It’s written that He will do this, and it will happen. Lord, let it be so. Amen and amen.

Faith's Checkbook - August 24

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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