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August 22

Wrath to God's Glory

Even the wrath of man shall praise You; with the survivors of wrath You will clothe Yourself. — Ps 76:10 BSB

Wicked people will be angry with us. We have to bear their wrath as a mark of our calling, proof that we are set apart from them. If we belonged to the world, the world would love us. But we can take comfort in the fact that the wrath of man will ultimately bring glory to God. When the wicked crucified Jesus, they unknowingly fulfilled God’s plan. Even today, their rebellion often ends up serving His purposes. They think they are free, but like prisoners in chains, they are unknowingly carrying out God’s will.

The schemes of the wicked end in their own defeat. They end up sabotaging themselves. Nothing from their anger will truly harm us. When they burned the martyrs, the smoke from the fire did more to turn people away from false religion than anything else could.

Meanwhile, God holds back the worst of the enemy’s rage. He restrains it, just like a miller holds back water in a stream. What He allows to flow, He uses for His purposes. So, let’s not sigh, but sing. All is well, even when the storm rages.

Faith's Checkbook - August 22

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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