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August 12

Light in Darkness

For You, O LORD, are my lamp; the LORD lights up my darkness. — 2 Sam 22:29 BSB

Am I walking in the light? Then, Lord, You are my lamp. If You were taken away, my joy would be gone. Yet as long as You are with me, I can live without the temporary comforts of this world. What a radiant light Your presence casts upon everything! Just as a lighthouse can be seen for miles, You, Jehovah, are not only near but also visible from far away, even in the land of the enemy. O Lord, when Your love fills my heart, I am as joyful as the angels, for You are my deepest desire.

Am I in darkness? Then, Lord, You will bring light to my darkness. Soon, things will change. Even if circumstances grow darker and cloud piles upon cloud, if it becomes so black that I can’t see my own hand, still, I will see Yours. When I can find no light within me, among friends, or anywhere in the world, the same Lord who spoke light into existence can do it again. He will speak light into my life once more, and I will not die but live. Already, the day is beginning to break. This sweet verse shines like a morning star, and soon I will clap my hands in joy as the shadows flee away.

Faith's Checkbook - August 12

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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