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April 24
Condition of Blessing
Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,” says the LORD of Hosts. “See if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out for you blessing without measure. — Mal 3:10 BSB
Many people quote this promise without recognizing the condition attached to it. We cannot expect heaven’s blessings to pour out upon us unless we fulfill our obligations to the Lord and His work. If all believers gave generously, there would be no lack in the work of God.
Many people remain in need because they withhold from God. Many churches lack the Spirit’s power because they starve their ministries. If there is no physical provision for God’s servants, we shouldn’t be surprised if there is little spiritual nourishment in their ministry. When missions and ministries suffer from a lack of funds, how can we expect abundant spiritual growth?
Let’s reflect on our giving. Have I been stingy with my God? Have I withheld from my Savior? This won’t do. Let’s give Jesus His due by helping the poor and supporting His work, and we will see His blessings flow abundantly in our lives.