Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: The Intercession of Christ

Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them.
— Hebrews 7:25 (BSB)

Jesus pleads before the throne on our behalf, and His prayers are always heard.
— Charles Spurgeon

Our God, we come before You today through Jesus Christ, our eternal High Priest. He has gone within the veil on our behalf and lives forever to intercede for us. Without Him, our humble prayers could never reach You, for we are unworthy even to lift up our eyes toward You. Yet, Christ's hands are full of sweet perfume, and He presents our prayers before You, making them acceptable in Your sight.

Lord, we thank You that His blood has been sprinkled on the mercy seat, assuring us that we are heard. We deeply feel our unworthiness and acknowledge that we have no righteousness of our own. But in Christ, we have new life. We pray now because the breath of that new life is prayer, and through the life Christ has given us, we come with living hearts before the living God.

Our first prayer is for those who do not pray. We plead that Your sovereign grace might move ahead of their will, calling them to Yourself. May many hear Your voice today, even though they have not sought You, and come to know the saving power of Christ.

Lord, we praise You that Your voice has already called many to Christ. We have seen hardened hearts softened, and those once absorbed in worldly things now seeking eternal matters. We thank You that many have been driven to You, dear Savior, who was lifted high on the cross so that by Your death, sinners might live.

As we begin this day, we rest in the assurance that Christ is interceding for us. May our prayers rise to You, knowing that You hear us through Your beloved Son. Amen.

Spurgeon's Prayer: The Intercession of Christ

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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