Evening Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Quickening of the Holy Spirit

Do not extinguish the Spirit.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:19 (BSB)

Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind, branches without sap, and coals without fire; we are useless.
— Charles Spurgeon

Father, as we come before You this evening, we ask for a fresh quickening of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We need His presence and power more than ever, for without Him, we can do nothing. Holy Spirit, breathe new life into us and fill us afresh, so that we may walk closely with God and live in the fullness of His grace.

We pray for strength to walk in the Spirit’s power each day. When we live closely with You, Lord, our hearts lose their desire for worldly things, and our focus shifts to the eternal. May our hearts be aligned with Yours, and may we live today and every day by the power of the Spirit, casting aside everything that hinders our walk with You.

Father, we long to experience more of Your presence. When we draw near to You, we find nourishment for our souls that the world cannot offer. Just as Christ is true food and drink, we ask that our hearts be fed by His presence tonight. May we live as those who have a deep connection with You, receiving nourishment and strength from Your Holy Spirit.

We pray that our brothers and sisters in Christ would also be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us all experience a high and heavenly frame of mind, so that we may be in the world but not of it. May we be rich in You and full of joy in the Holy Spirit, and may our lives be marked by holiness and joy in Your presence.

As we rest tonight, we pray that Your Spirit would continue to work in us, transforming us into the likeness of Christ and filling us with the joy of the Lord. Amen.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Quickening of the Holy Spirit

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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