Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Entering God's Presence Through Christ

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
— Hebrews 4:16 (BSB)

We stand at the mercy-seat in the name of Him who is our great High Priest.
— Charles Spurgeon

Our gracious God, we come before You today not in fear or from afar, but in the confidence that Christ has made the way open for us. We stand at the mercy seat, sprinkled with His precious blood, and in Him, we are accepted. We rejoice that the veil has been torn by the death of our Lord, and now we can come freely into Your presence.

We confess that we are guilty, and we bow our heads before You, acknowledging that we have broken Your law. If You dealt with us under the covenant of works, none of us could stand, for we deserve Your wrath. Yet, You have made a new covenant, and in Christ, we find refuge. We come under its divine shadow, resting in the righteousness of our High Priest, Jesus. He is the beloved in whom You are well pleased, and through Him, we have peace with You.

Holy Spirit, teach us how to pray. Lead us to pray for Your glory, for Your name to be hallowed, and for Your kingdom to come. May all people submit to Your gracious rule, and may Your Church be filled with love and perfect obedience to You. Make us holy in heart and mind, writing Your law upon our hearts.

Lord, sanctify us, and make our lives pure, unspotted by the world. Keep us from temptation and deliver us from evil. May our thoughts, desires, and actions be aligned with Your holiness, and may we walk in Your ways today.

We rest in Your promises, and we come in the name of Jesus, knowing that we are accepted in Him. Bless us today as we seek to glorify You in all that we do. Amen.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Entering God's Presence Through Christ

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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