Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Delight in God's Presence

You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
— Psalm 16:11 (BSB)

I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.
— Charles Spurgeon

O God, our King and Lord, we worship You with reverence and joy, bowing before Your throne. We once feared You with dread, but now we revere You with love. There was a time when the thought of Your presence filled us with terror, but now, O Lord, we long to find You. Our deepest desire is to feel Your nearness, for Your presence is our greatest joy. When You are with us, our sick bed is softened, and the fires of affliction are cooled. Even the house of prayer becomes the gate of heaven when You are near.

Draw close to us, Father, and bring Your children rest. Some of us are physically weak and weary in spirit; place Your hand upon us and say, "Do not be afraid." Help us rise above the distractions of life, allowing us to find rest in You today. As You have washed us in the fountain of Your blood, wash away our defilements anew this morning. Just as the priests washed before entering the holy place, cleanse us again, Lord, so that we may enjoy the closest fellowship with You.

Jesus, remove all hindrances to our communion with God. Take away every distracting thought and desire that pulls us away from You. We no longer need idols in our lives; You alone are our satisfaction. Help us come boldly into Your presence, knowing that You have torn the veil and made a way for us. We long to speak with You as a friend speaks to a friend. Our God, we belong to You, and You to us. Strengthen us, Lord, for this day, and help us fight in Your strength.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Delight in God's Presence

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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