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June 13
The Law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making wise the simple. — Ps 19:7 BSB
God’s works reveal His glory, but not His will. We could study the stars, the flowers, and the rocks forever, and we would never learn how we ought to live, what is right and wrong, or who God truly is. From nature, we might learn that God is great, wise, unchanging, and good, but we wouldn’t know that He loves us with a tender, personal affection. There is no gospel of salvation for lost sinners written in the natural world.
We should be thankful for God’s Word, which tells us these things! It teaches us how to live. It is a perfect law, not only because it contains no flaws, but because it gives us everything we need to know in order to be saved and to grow into the fullness of godliness. We can turn to God’s Word with every question about life, and we will always find the right answer.