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January 11
The second servant came and said, ‘Master, your mina has made five minas.’ — Luke 19:18 BSB
Christ never gives anyone a fully developed mind or character at the start of life. The great poets and writers of the world began with just one small gift—potential for growth. Likewise, Christ gives no one a fully formed, rich Christian character from the beginning. The most saintly Christians started with very little spiritual power, and the most useful people in the church began with only a small measure of usefulness.
Those whose influence now touches thousands, even across entire nations, started with just a little capacity entrusted to them by Christ. This is how the Lord distributes His gifts: He gives us a little to begin with, and as we faithfully use what we have, gain experience, and prove trustworthy, He adds more and more, giving us as much as we can handle and as fast as we can handle it!