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January 10

The first servant came forward and said, ‘Master, your mina has produced ten more minas.’ — Luke 19:16 BSB

Among Christ’s followers, we always find these “ten-pound” servants. These are the Christians who, from the start, seek the highest and best life possible through God’s grace. They aren’t content just to be saved from sin or to be ordinary members of the church. They make a complete commitment to Christ, holding nothing back. They set their standard of obedience to perfection and strive for it until they reach heaven. They seek to follow Christ fully, with all their heart. They accept every duty, no matter the cost. They aim to be like Christ in every part of His character. Their whole energy is dedicated to serving Christ. Like John, they lean on Christ’s chest, and their souls are filled with His loving spirit.

As a result, these men and women grow into a deep spiritual beauty, gaining a power of influence that sets them apart among believers. They shine more brightly in the church, like stars in a sky full of light. Their one pound has earned ten more! They’ve reached this high spiritual level by faithfully using the one pound they were given at the start.

Daily Comfort - January 10

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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