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December 13

Moses alone shall approach the LORD, but the others must not come near. And the people may not go up with him. — Exod 24:2 BSB

Some people are granted a closer intimacy with Christ than others. In His group of disciples, John came the closest. Yet the way is open for all to come as near as they will. It’s not about physical closeness or achieving worldly success. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, according to Jesus, are those who are most childlike and those who serve the most selflessly. In the Psalms, the question is asked, “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?” The answer: “He who has clean hands and a pure heart.”

Getting ahead in the world doesn’t necessarily mean getting closer to God. But rising toward God is the noblest aspiration of a soul. Moses was called up close to God to receive blessings that he then carried back to the people. Similarly, those who draw near to God are entrusted with blessings that they can share with others. God fills their hands with gifts to give and reveals precious truths for them to share with the world.

Daily Comfort - December 13

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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