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April 26

so that it came between the camps of Egypt and Israel. The cloud was there in the darkness, but it lit up the night. So all night long neither camp went near the other. — Exod 14:20 BSB

God appears differently to His friends and His enemies. To those who love Him, He is light, comfort, joy, protection, and peace. But to those who reject Him, He is darkness, terror, and judgment. For Christians, the thought of God’s presence fills them with confidence and peace, warming their hearts with love. But for those who are not reconciled to God, the same thought makes them tremble with fear: "I thought about God, and I was troubled."

God’s providence also has a double aspect. To the Christian, God’s care is seen as an expression of love and wisdom, even when they don’t understand it fully. They trust and wait in confidence. But to the unbeliever, God’s providence seems like a dark mystery, full of fear and confusion. They feel unsafe wherever they go, as there’s no assurance of God’s love or protection.

Death, for those who don’t know God, is like a dark cloud filled with lightning and thunder. But for the Christian, it is a glorious light of divine love, surrounding them with peace. On the day of judgment, Christ will be a source of unspeakable joy for His people, but to the ungodly, His appearance will be one of terrifying judgment.

Daily Comfort - April 26

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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