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April 25

Pay attention, therefore, to how you listen. Whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him. — Luke 8:18 BSB

We often talk about the “great responsibility” of those who preach or teach God’s Word. It’s true that it’s a serious thing to speak on God’s behalf. But there’s also a great responsibility in hearing God’s Word. One of Jesus’ most urgent instructions was, “Consider carefully how you listen.”

Once the preacher has done his job, the responsibility shifts to the listener. What will they do with what they’ve heard? Will they believe and accept it, or reject it? They can’t pretend they’ve never heard it. The truth will either bring them life or judgment. Not only will they answer for the opportunity to hear, but they are also affected by how they respond. If they accept it, their heart softens. If they reject it, their heart hardens.

No message of truth leaves a person unchanged. It makes some kind of impression, depending on how the listener responds. We should reflect on this responsibility. We’re hearing a lot of good things these days; it would be sad if nothing came from it.

Daily Comfort - April 25

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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