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May 12
Useless Anxieties
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? — Matt 6:27 BSB
Worrying is pointless. A short person cannot make themselves any taller by worrying. So why waste energy and stress over something that cannot be changed? One person may worry about being too short, while another worries about being too tall. Some worry about being too thin, while others worry about being overweight. No amount of anxiety will change any of these things.
People also worry about their circumstances. They may be poor and have to work hard. They experience troubles, losses, and disappointments that they cannot control. They face challenges in their lives that seem insurmountable. But why worry about these things? Will worry improve the situation? Will discontent fix a lame foot, remove a scar, or change one’s body shape? Will complaining make hard work lighter or reduce the burden of trouble? Can anxiety prevent the coming of winter or provide food and clothing?
Even from a practical standpoint, worrying is a waste of time—it solves nothing and only drains one’s energy. But religion goes further, teaching that even the difficult and painful experiences of life can be blessings if we approach them with the right attitude. These challenges can become stepping stones, helping us grow and mature. So, we should accept life as it comes, with faith and patience, not fretting over what we can’t change. If we can improve things, we should. If not, we should use our circumstances as opportunities for personal growth and advancement.